
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy 65th Anniversary Monga and Papa!

It would have been 65 years on Monday so my mom and I took Monga out on a date. The kids and I made these flowers for her, there are 65 of them.


We went to Mimi's and had a nice dinner where we chatted about memories of Papa. Monga ordered meatloaf and talked about how Papa used to love it. At one point a small bite of meatloaf landed in Papa's ring that she now wears around her neck. I said "well, there is papa having his bite!" it was great. We all put on our lipstick and I caught this shot.

My mom was showing Monga lip gloss, she had never tried it! It looked great on her.

Here is one more:


Then we made a run to Michaels to get some frames for a few things that Monga wanted to preserve. It was a great night, I didn't get home until close to 11:00!

Oh, and Monga got her name when my brother Jeff was a baby, he couldn't say Grandma but he could say Monga so that is what we have called her ever since. Cute, huh?