
Saturday, January 31, 2015

You've come a long way, baby.

We (ok, I) just celebrated being in our new house for 4 months.  I love it as much today as I did the moment I saw it!

Here it is from a google street view photo. I don't know when this was taken. 

Here it is when they first listed it, it was listed it on the market for quite a while before we bought it. Ironically enough these were taken by a friend of mine!  
 And here it is today!  We had the trees trimmed, pulled out the huge, ugly hedges beside the door.  We also changed the light fixtures beside the door, painted the door and changed the hardware and knocker. Also, check out the downstairs windows!  Donovan has been working hard to get them all to open, they were painted shut!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My $1.50 project

Pinterest for the win!  I'm so excited about this project!  It was cheap and adds some much needed color to my psych ward white kitchen! 

Here is the setup we had, honestly the previous owners left it and I've been using it out of pure laziness! 

$1 each from the $.99 only store!

I hot glued the crap out of it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Leaf us alone

I'm 99% sure our leaves had never been raked before we moved in. 

Here is before I started raking.  They are literally a foot deep. 

Here is the old paint color.  lazy

Exposing the amazing roots of this old tree.

One of my favorite parts about this house.

We bribed the kids.  

And Ruby supervised.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Bedroom remodel

We moved 4 months and 3 days ago and poor Isabella has been stuck in her boring beige room that whole time.  Today was the day she has been waiting for!  She originally wanted teal.  Teal teal teal.  But I talked her i

nto this light purple color.  I think it's adorable!  Here are a few before pics:

The color under the beige is literally Exorcist puke green.  

Can you believe that is the best we could do with the blinds??  The one on the right is completely broken, the middle goes up sideways.  Lovely!

She actually helped us the entire time!  

Puke green before pic:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Our visit to Donkeyland

Donkeyland is a local donkey rescue where Noah, our sponsored donkey lives.  We visit him as often as we can and I swear he and his sister remember my kids!! 

Please check out for more information! 

Here are some of the highlights:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I love to love ya baby

I love Valentines day!  I've been wanting to decorate for valentines day for about a month now. But I held back and I was going to wait to 30 days before Valentine's Day. But when I got my decorations out today, I just couldn't do it! I had to put it all up, so here it is.   I hope you LOVE it all as much as I do!