
Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I'm a very fatshionable person. I wear things that come in my size, which generally isn't in fashionable. My outfits usually consist of jeans, a tank top and a hoodie. Layers hides things, right?? If I had it my way I would wear something fashionable like this:

I'm trying to get back into shape, how many times have I said this in my blog?!

My weight goals for 2009 are:

exercise at least 3x a week
use a small plate for meals
no second helpings

I'm trying not to focus on a number but mostly fit back into the clothes that I enjoyed wearing...a year and a half ago! I also would love to (theoretically) fit back into my wedding dress. Our 10 year anniversary is in 6 months and I would love to feel like I haven't gained a TON in 10 years. I am about 40 pounds more than I was on my wedding day (barf).

So these are my goals, I hope to reach them. Wish me luck!!