
Thursday, October 11, 2007

my morning walk

I knew I wouldn't have time to go to my spinning class this morning so we took a walk around the lake at the bottom of our street.

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About 2 blocks into it my new socks aren't cutting it, they are falling down every other step that I take. I try pulling it up as far as I can and then wrapping it around the back of my luck! So I sit down on the curb and take off my socks. Ouch. We get about 1/2 way around the lake (about 1/2 mile) and the sidewalk is closed for repairs! We have to turn around. So we go the long way...looong way! I try to enter through the main enterance...I forgot our ID's! We can't get in the park without ID's. Keep walking now there is a huge hill! AGH! So I ended up walking about 3 miles, which felt great when I was all done. But pushing a 42 pound girl, 30 pound boy in a 20 pound stroller up a huge hill was interesting. I think I will skip the walk tomorrow.