
Monday, June 30, 2008

phew, it's been a long time!

My computer crashed again, Donovan said he didn't have time to deal with it again and since we bought the extended warranty that we should use it. I hated handing over my beloved to some geek! It took them 3 weeks, they had to send it away to Apple to replace the hard drive and I lost everything but I backed up just about a week before it crashed. PHEW!!!

On a totally other note, I LOVE the Upside Down Show, those dudes crack me up! I wish they had a live stage show, I would totally take the kids. Here's a little clip from youtube in case you don't know what I'm talking about:

I have lots to show and tell but I am off to the mountains today to visit my BFF Sunny, she is moving to Colorado next week. =(