We built the wall a few months back and then it sat...we have a problem finishing projects!
Last weekend when it was cool we installed the sprinkler system and today we got to do the fun stuff....planting!
First we decided to move a jacaranda tree, it was in a spot where it wasn't visible, it hung over our fence into our neighbors yard more than ours!

Digging wasn't too hard, I pushed the tree in different directions and Donovan got under it and broke out the roots. Then came the fun part! We dragged it across the yard and pulled it up onto the slope. Donovan dug a giant hole (3 times!)

Then we had to get it in and stand it upright. That was seriously the hardest thing I have ever done, I think it weighed like 200 pounds. Ok, I guess childbirth was harder but this was right behind it. So finally Donovan dug the hole big enough so that it pretty much stayed upright.

Isn't it awesome! I hope it survives, we tortured the poor thing.
We planted a bunch but we still need more! We planted a lot of day lilies, Lilly of the Nile, 1 orange tree, 1 tangelo tree and 1 grapefruit tree. We also have an itty bitty flowering plum tree up on the slope too. Next weekend we plan to go buy more to fill in some spots.