
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth day

I missed this post yesterday, darn it!

My husband and I try our darndest to be Earth friendly.

1. I have re-usable bags
2. Huge recycle bin, we fill it more often than our actual trash can
3. I buy containers for Isabella's lunch, we rarely use bags, she also HAD a re-usable bottle but she threw it away!
4. We bought all energy star appliances
5. Programmable thermostat
6. I have been using microfiber cloths for cleaning
7. I am a big fan of windo coverings, if it's hot they are all closed, if it's a cool day I let all the sunshine in!
8. I have signed up to have our junk mail stopped
9. The kids and I walk to school as often as the weather permits
10. I use my own coffee container and water bottles as often as possible

One thing that bothers me is at Isabella's school each kid gets a Styrofoam tray, why Styrofoam? Why not paper, like egg cartons?

I also would love it if I could do this: Recyclebank

Now if only Silver would stop eating the vegetables that I plant!

How are you helping to keep our Earth beautiful for the next generation?