
Sunday, December 30, 2007


We spent the last 2 days doing nothing but working on the backyard. Donovan started building this retaining wall before Zach was born but we always run out of time, money or it just gets too hot to work on it. Well, we worked on it again and finished the entire bottom row! And when I say we I mean Donovan. I worked on it for about 4 minutes and then gave up.




Donovan and I built this table about 3 years ago and it looked awesome until the stain wore off. Isabella said she doesn't like to sit on it because it's ugly! So Isabella and I picked out some paint and we worked on it all day today. They love it now and can't wait to sit on it!





How was your weekend?

Friday, December 28, 2007

another one

Donovan's mom gave us this, I love it but I have no clue what it is.


A very big salt shaker?
Some sort of potpourri thingey?

91/60/215 flyover

How I love thee! I left my house at 9:57, got gas at Costco and got to the Galleria at 10:33! I would have never got there that quick, even if I skipped the gas. I felt like I was on a ride, I was so far up above everyone else. It was super fast, maybe 1 minute instead of 10 in traffic. Yay for completed projects...1 out of 10,000 going on in the area.

Monday, December 24, 2007

5 years ago...

I was in labor! I was making Christmas cookies (that I would never get a chance to eat!) and waiting for my husband to get home from work. After dinner we went looking at lights. I can't read a map to save my life so I was driving and Donovan was reading the map. Driving...and having contractions! I went to the hospital at about 3:00am and finally had Isabella at 11:45PM. What a Chritmas gift...

Happy Birthday to my Christmas baby.

Her birthday

3 days later

1st birthday

2nd birthday

3rd birthday

4th birthday

Saturday, December 22, 2007


We got moms and dads digital frames for Christmas and I have spent a few hours today looking through old photos. I hardly remember Isabella's baby stage. I feel like I missed it! She has grown so fast and changed right before my eyes. My baby girl will be 5 on Tuesday!









I bought Isabella's curtains when we did her room about 3 years ago and I hated them from the start. The colors were blah and the fabric was cheap. So I finally decided to sew my own. I have never really sewn much, I usually give up pretty quickly after starting. I took my time and made sure to measure everything perfectly and pin everything. They turned out fantastic!



I ordered this book:

It had great reviews and started from the very beginning. I can't wait to get it and start sewing more.

my favorite new blog

I have just spent like 2 hours reading through all her posts. LOVE IT ALL.

Monday, December 17, 2007

this is great

And P.S. I'm still fighting with my stove.

Monday, December 10, 2007

I love Trader joes!

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This insulated bag was only $2.99! The reuseable shopping bags are only $.99 and look much more sturdy than most. I want to get 4 or 5 next time I am there but today I was on a mission to get the steelcut oatmeal. This stuff is SO good! Try it out, friends.

Christmas party

We went to Donovan's company Christmas party last night, it was fun but fa-fa-freeeezing!

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I love The Mission Inn all decked out.

We were in the San Gabriel room right above the rotunda.

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Here we are at my parents house dropping off the kids. Thanks mom and dad!

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Gay and Larry's

I miss you.


I was asked to be an aqua aerobics teacher! I am so excited. We'll see what happens next, I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


My parents have 2 dogs that they love more than us kids. Ok, I'm kidding but pretty dang close. They sleep on my parents bed and on their couch. Eat tons of table food...etc! Well, Molly is about 11 now and is having kidney problems so my mom is spending tons on special food and doing everything she can for Molly. Now her other dog Jacob hurt himself jumping on the couch, the vet thinks he has a slipped disc. Jacob won't eat, won't pee. It's just really sad. My parent's have paid so much money in vet fees for both dogs (Jacob had doggy chemo a few years back!) but how do you not have a procedure done? It's been really hard on them.

Anyway, could you please say a little prayer for my parents and their dogs Jacob and Molly? Thanks.