
Monday, February 23, 2009

sleepless night

I didn't fall asleep last night.

Donovan created a lot of work for me and I enjoy doing it so I was up till almost 1:00am doing it! So I go to bed thinking I will fall right to sleep since I spent most of the day cleaning and getting ready for my Uppercase Living party, I even re-arranged the living room and family room furniture (by MYSELF!) I didn't move the piano though (this time). Anywho, I laid in bed tossing and turning for hours. I finally got up with Donovan at 4:00am since I figured if I hadn't fallen asleep yet, it probably wasn't happening!

I'm not sure what did it...could it have been the grande caramel machiatto that I had at 3:00pm? Or perhaps the 3 glasses of ice tea that I had at 8:00pm? Maybe the double chocolate brownie that I had at 9:00pm (don't judge!). Or maybe the fact that my husband snores like a bear in hibernation?

Don't call my house after 8:00pm tonight because I have a date with my good pal nyquil.